Frequently asked questions

Here you can find a record of all the frequently asked questions (FAQ) related to our SIGNATURE mesh body and head by our Second Life customers.

  • How to deactivate Bakes on Mesh (BoM) on my body

    1. Wear the main body HUD go to the SHINE & COLORS tab
    2. under the middle section click on HERE to disable BOM
    3. follow the dialog menu instructions

  • How to redeliver or update a product ?

    Teleport to Signature mainstore,
    left click on the redelivery button at kiosk near the cashier of the mainstore.
    go to the web page and select the product to redeliver.

  • How can i have the AUTO HIDE KIT ?

    Each AUTO HIDE KITS are available for the public you can get your AUTO HIDE KIT in the mainstore below any body vendor panels.

  • How can i have the texture KIT to create textures and appliers ? (skin, tattoo, body hair)

    You can download the texture kits of your choice here TEXTURE KITS page
    To get the applier kit (Script, HUD) go to the Signature mainstore below any body or head vendor panels.

  • How can i have the mesh KIT ? (clothes, shoes, accessories)

    You can do an application, go to the MESH KITS page and fill out the form.

  • How do i gift a product to someone ?

    Simply touch (or right click > touch) the vendor product you would like to gift and follow the popup dialog instructions.

  • Why is my body invisible ?

    Our body are Bakes on Mesh (BOM) enabled by default, if your body is invisible that mean you are wearing alpha mask, make sure to remove all alpha mask to properly display your body.
    Else you can turn off Bakes on Mesh (BOM) using the main body HUD under the SHINE & COLORS tab.

  • Why is my body fully red ?

    Because you activated Bakes on Mesh (BoM) on your body and you are still wearing an alpha mask, make sure to remove your alpha mask on your avatar.

  • Why is my Signature head blue ?

    Your head is blue because you are not using the default head skin that comes with, go to your inventory head folder and wear the head skin tone of your choice.

  • Why is my body or head reset to default every time i take it off or logout ?

    Sometimes after a logout, your body/head may be completely reset (no texture, alphas reset, ...) after a logout. This is caused by a lag or an overloaded cache of your Second Life viewer, we suggest you to clear your SL viewer network cache and restart.
    with SL viewer: Preferences > Advanced > and then select: Clear Cache
    with FireStorm viewer: Preferences > Network & Files > Directories > and then select: Clear Cache

  • Why my BENTO (AO) animations does not play on my hands ?

    If you are using your own animations or any other animations different from Signature.
    1. wear the main Body HUD, go to HANDS & FEET tab
    2. under the middle section click on HERE if you would like to use 3rd party animations
    You can now use your own BENTO animations without any interference.

  • Why my head/hands look deformed ?

    First make sure your viewer is compatible with the new BENTO bones.
    Sometimes the Second Life BENTO bones appear to be deformed if you are playing other creator animations.

    with SL viewer: right click your avatar > reset Skeleton And Animations
    with FireStorm viewer: right click yoru avatar > Appearance > Reset > and then select: Skel. & Anim

  • My HUD, body or head stopped working (stopped working, blurry, clipping)

    1. we suggest you to clear your SL viewer network cache and restart:
    with SL viewer: Preferences > Advanced > and then select: Clear Cache
    with FireStorm viewer: Preferences > Network & Files > Directories > and then select: Clear Cache

    2. to interact properly with your HUD you need to go on a non-restricted script region

    3. make sure your (LOD) Level of Detail is set to maximum for a better rendering and script interaction in your SL viewer graphic settings

    If none of the above work that mean the scripts completely stopped working you will need to can get a fresh version of your product
    using the redelivery kiosk at the mainstore near the cashier, click the redelivery button > go to CasperVend web page > select the product to redeliver

  • The redelivery kiosk is not working properly.

    Make sure you have not muted the delivery server by mistake. Also, check if Raph Dirval is not in your users block list.
    If you missed the gift popup menu or the body has not been delivered at all, go to the cashier near the entrance of the Signature mainstore, there is a redelivery kiosk:
    click the redelivery button > go to CasperVend web page > select the product to redeliver

  • I bought a Signature product and i did not receive it.

    Make sure you have not muted the delivery server by mistake. Also, check if Raph Dirval is not in your users block list.
    If you missed the gift popup menu or the body has not been delivered at all, go to the cashier near the entrance of the Signature mainstore, there is a redelivery kiosk:
    click the redelivery button > go to CasperVend web page > select the product to redeliver

If you have a question and couldn't find it here, contact Raph Dirval or Mona Delpiaz using private message or
a notecard directly in Second Life.